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58 resources

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The Role of Private Creditors in Nigeria's Debt Crisis and the Human Cost

This study explains the relation between religion and health and how we can harness the unique strength of religious actors for improved outcomes in public health interventions.

Religion and Health - Summary Report

A summary explaining the relation between religion and health and how we can harness the unique strength of religious actors for improved outcomes in public health interventions.

Understanding the Role of Religious Leaders in Public Health Crises

Understanding the Role of Religious Leaders in Public Health Crises

Direct debit form

Download this direct debit form and post it to our London Office: Christian Aid, 35-41 Lower Marsh, London, SE1 7RL, to set up a direct debit with Christian Aid.

Carbon Reduction Plan - 2023

Our Carbon Reduction Plan for the UK Government, covering our UK emissions.

Environment Policy

Our Environment Policy - last reviewed February 2023.

ALTERnativity Advent workshop

How do we celebrate Christmas while the world is in crisis? Our fabulous partner, ALTERnativity, has designed an online workshop to inspire you and your small group this Advent.

Code of conduct

The conduct, policies and code of behaviour you are expected to follow as a Christian Aid representative.

Christian Aid Partnership Policy

Towards mutual partnerships

Code of Conduct in Spanish

The Spanish translation of the conduct, policies and code of behaviour you are expected to follow as a Christian Aid employee.

Christian Aid Ghana: An exit learning review

Christian Aid Ghana closed in 2020, part of a wider restructure of Christian Aid. This review seeks to celebrate the work of the Ghana programme, and capture learning to share with partners, other Christian Aid programmes, and the development sector.

Tipping Point report

This report explores how the Covid-19 pandemic threatens to push the world's poorest to the brink of survival.

Use and abuse of tax breaks: how tax incentives become harmful

Tax incentives widespread, but ineffective for developmet. How do they become harmful, and what can be done to stop their abuse?

Action2020 family planning: Ethiopia context analysis

An in-depth investigation into the context and opportunities for civil society-led accountability on family planning in Ethiopia.

Action2020 family planning: Malawi context analysis

An in-depth investigation into the context and opportunities for civil society-led accountability on family planning in Malawi.

Christian Aid Nigeria programme strategy: 2019-2026

An overview of the vision, mission and strategy of the Christian Aid Nigeria programme for 2019-2026.

Christian Aid Nigeria Annual Report 2018

Christian Aid Nigeria Annual Report 2018

CASE-OVC programme briefing

2018 project milestones and case study material