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30 resources

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Call to Parties - General Election 2024


The Role of Private Creditors in Nigeria's Debt Crisis and the Human Cost

This study explains the relation between religion and health and how we can harness the unique strength of religious actors for improved outcomes in public health interventions.

Decolonising Evaluation - Whose Value Counts?

This paper critically reflects on evaluation practice through a decolonisation lens, considering who decides what success looks like, how we assess and measure results, and how we could take forward a decolonial approach to evaluation.

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

English-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

French-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

Spanish-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

Arabic-language version

Christian Aid Ghana: An exit learning review

Christian Aid Ghana closed in 2020, part of a wider restructure of Christian Aid. This review seeks to celebrate the work of the Ghana programme, and capture learning to share with partners, other Christian Aid programmes, and the development sector.

Use and abuse of tax breaks: how tax incentives become harmful

Tax incentives widespread, but ineffective for developmet. How do they become harmful, and what can be done to stop their abuse?

Joint Country Programme newsletter - July - Sept 2018

A new country director, piped water comes to villages in Mumbeji, advocating for tax justice and more...

Christian Aid Brasil estratégia 2012-2017 (Portuguese)

A Christian Aid no Brasil lança sua nova estratégia para 2012 – 2017, em um país cheio de contradições.

Getting to good – towards responsible corporate tax behaviour

This discussion paper looks at how companies can go beyond legal tax compliance, resulting in gains for developing countries. 

Signposts to Copenhagen 6: integrating adaptation

Signposts to Copenhagen 6: integrating adaptation

Impuestos a hombres y mujeres: Por qué el enfoque de género es crucial para un régimen fiscal justo

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estimular el debate y ofrecer orientación a los que intentan hacer un analisis de genero en su sistema fiscal. (Gender analysis of tax system in Spanish.)

Taxing men and women: why gender crucial for fair tax system (Spanish)

Taxing men and women: why gender crucial for fair tax system (Spanish)

Final evaluation of the LEARN project - Ghana

Evaluation of the LEARN project in Ghana

Christian Aid in the Middle East strategy 2013-2017

Christian Aid in the Middle East strategy 2013-2017

Losing out: Sierra Leone's massive revenue losses from tax incentives 

The first attempt in Sierra Leone to analyse the government's 'tax expenditure', showing these revenue losses are extremely large.