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84 resources

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Cocoa crisis: Climate change threat to chocolate

Our Valentine’s Day box of chocolates is under threat due to extreme weather in the world’s key cocoa growing regions.

Salt January Newsletter

We launched Salt Kenya, let's reflect and plan the year ahead!

Corporate profiles - Nigeria

Christian Aid has been working in Nigeria since 2003. Click to see Nigeria's Corporate Profile at a glance.

Disaster risk reduction and social safety

DRaSS is a disaster risk reduction project that aims to save lives and protect the health and livelihoods of vulnerable people from the impact of climate-related disasters.

ECODiN factsheet

The devastating effects of multi-dimensional climate impact, natural and human-induced disasters, and resource-based violent conflicts cannot be overemphasised in northwest Nigeria.

Small ruminants value chain - Hydroponics and paravet concept

Goat farming is a sustainable, productive, and low-maintenance livestock option with strong market demand.

Wheat Out-Grower Project - Nigeria

The Wheat Out-grower concept boosts wheat production among women and youth in conflict-affected areas, improving household income and resilience.

Salt Autumn Newsletter 2024

We have launched an in country Salt Chapter, read to find out more!

Salt Summer Newsletter 2024

Can NGOs, Governments and the Private Sector work together for impactful development?

Gender Justice capability statement

Find out how we have been, and will continue to be, breaking barriers for women around the world.

Salt Spring Newsletter 2024

Salt is back with new and exciting content!

Roses are dead, lovers are blue: The climate threat to Valentine’s Day roses

How climate change could kill our Valentines traditions.

Strengthening social protection mechanisms in South Ari woreda, Ethiopia: Report of community-based perspectives

A research paper that highlights the factors constraining the expansion of social protection in South Ari district of Ethiopia. It identifies key gaps in the existing systems, and proposes measures to strengthen them.

Decolonisation and decoloniality paper

A position paper for research and evidence cultures in the development sector.

Profit before People and Planet

A collaborative report exploring why the Brazilian Amazon and its people need economic justice.

Counting The Cost 2022: A year of climate breakdown

Outlining the true cost of 2022's climate disasters.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space

This study urgently raises issues around the increasingly restricted civic space since the onset of Covid-19.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space - Report Summary

The global Covid-19 pandemic brought unprecedented restrictions to civic space throughout 2020-21 - Report Summary