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31 resources

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Cocoa crisis: Climate change threat to chocolate

Our Valentine’s Day box of chocolates is under threat due to extreme weather in the world’s key cocoa growing regions.

Corporate profiles - Nigeria

Christian Aid has been working in Nigeria since 2003. Click to see Nigeria's Corporate Profile at a glance.

Disaster risk reduction and social safety

DRaSS is a disaster risk reduction project that aims to save lives and protect the health and livelihoods of vulnerable people from the impact of climate-related disasters.

ECODiN factsheet

The devastating effects of multi-dimensional climate impact, natural and human-induced disasters, and resource-based violent conflicts cannot be overemphasised in northwest Nigeria.

Small ruminants value chain - Hydroponics and paravet concept

Goat farming is a sustainable, productive, and low-maintenance livestock option with strong market demand.

Wheat Out-Grower Project - Nigeria

The Wheat Out-grower concept boosts wheat production among women and youth in conflict-affected areas, improving household income and resilience.

Roses are dead, lovers are blue: The climate threat to Valentine’s Day roses

How climate change could kill our Valentines traditions.

Counting The Cost 2022: A year of climate breakdown

Outlining the true cost of 2022's climate disasters.

Christmas Appeal 2022 Report - Building Better Futures in Malawi

Download our Christmas Appeal report

Our Prophetic Journey Towards Climate Justice stories

Climate stories from black church leaders to inspire positive action.

Partnership for Change: Christian Aid in Sierra Leone

Christian Aid’s Sierra Leone programme started in 1988 with a focus on service delivery and humanitarian assistance.

Voice to the people newsletter: May 2017

Voice to the People newsletter May 2017.

Christian Aid Bangladesh strategy 2012-2017

Christian Aid Bangladesh’s strategy 2012 - 2017 is closely aligned with several of the global goals laid out in Partnership for Change.

Christian Aid Brasil estratégia 2012-2017 (Portuguese)

A Christian Aid no Brasil lança sua nova estratégia para 2012 – 2017, em um país cheio de contradições.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (Part 2)

In this report, three case studies – from Angola, Mali, and Honduras – of responses to climate change and conflict are presented.

Marsabit County Resilience Study

This fieldwork was carried out to assess the value of investing in resilience work within pastoralist communities in Marsabit County, northern Kenya.

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture

What is helping communities mobilise resources? PVCA learning review

This learning review understands how Participatory, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments (PVCAs) have helped communities pull funding, resources and services.