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109 resources

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Humanitarian inclusion standards (Arabic)

The humanitarian inclusion standards provide clear actions that can be taken to protect, support and engage older people and people with disabilities. (Arabic)

Humanitarian inclusion standards (French)

The humanitarian inclusion standards provide clear actions that can be taken to protect, support and engage older people and people with disabilities. (French)

Doing Accountability Differently - Voice to the People, Nigeria

Exploring practice and results of Christian Aid’s Voice to the People Programme in Anambra State, Nigeria

Improving the choices and opportunities for adolescent girls toolkit

A guide for religious leaders of both Christian and Islamic faiths in Nigeria as they address the challenges faced by adolescent girls.

V2P Summary Annual Report December 2017

A Voice to the People report which summaries our successes and key achievements in the year 2017

Voice to the people newsletter: May 2017

Voice to the People newsletter May 2017.

Zambia Joint Country Programme Strategic Plan 2016-20

New strategy for the Joint Country Programme (JCP) Zambia

Religion and the Adolescent Girl

Religion and the Adolescent Girl

Kenya CASE-OVC questions and answers

Kenya CASE-OVC questions and answers

Transformers presentation

Transformers presentation

ACT Gender Security Guidelines: threats to men, women and LGBTI staff

ACT Gender Security Guidelines: threats to men, women and LGBTI staff

Challenges in the Sahel: Implications for peace and development

This report is part of a series Christian Aid is producing to understand what ought to be done differently in tackling violence and building peace.

Gender and politics in Bolivia: violent repercussions

A case study explaining how the passage of progressive laws in Bolivia have proved insufficient in genuinely empowering women.

Leave No Woman Behind: lessons from Asia and the Middle East

This report helps development practitioners, and donors, to identify and address the needs of those most at risk of being left behind.

The Scandal of Inequality

Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean is deep and widespread; it has a great effect on the lives of many across the region.

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations

Gender Justice 2017: just and equitable power relations for all

Gender Justice 2017: just and equitable power relations for all