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25 resources

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Expenses claim form

Once you’ve agreed to any expenses with your Volunteer Manager, please record specific items on this form.

Volunteer expenses policy

In this policy, you’ll learn what volunteers can claim as expenses and how to submit their claim.

Working together with volunteers

We’re committed to working in partnership with you and many communities across the UK and Ireland.

Working together with volunteers - Welsh

Mae Cymorth Cristnogol yn ymroi i weithio mewn partneriaeth â chi ac â chymunedau ledled Prydain ac Iwerddon i drechu tlodi ac anghyfiawnder.

Volunteering policy

Your rights and our responsibilities around your data

Tackling Malnutrition in South Sudan

Read our latest report from our UK Aid Match programme in South Sudan, tackling malnutrition for 28,000 women and children in Aweil North and Jur River.

Life-saving healthcare for Nigeria's children - UK Aid Match stories

Life-saving healthcare for Nigeria's children - UK Aid Match stories

Press release: changing the course of under-five mortality in Nigeria

Our Partnership for Improved Child Health (PICH) project in Nigeria closed in August 2019. Find out what we achieved and how communities have adapted.

CAAGI information sheet

Download a two page summary document of the CAAGI programme, including case studies of faith leaders advocating for adolescent girls.

Key findings: religion and time of marriage

A study based on listening to community members, local leaders, faith leaders, and adolescent girls in three areas of Kaduna state.

Religion and time of marriage: the role of faith leaders

Adolescent Girls (AGs) in Northern Nigeria have very limited choices and opportunities to reach their full potential.

Improving the choices and opportunities for adolescent girls toolkit

A guide for religious leaders of both Christian and Islamic faiths in Nigeria as they address the challenges faced by adolescent girls.

No more harmful traditional practices: working with faith leaders

No more harmful traditional practices: working with faith leaders

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices

From Traditional Birth Attendants to "Mother Companions"

From Traditional Birth Attendants to "Mother Companions"

Stories of change from Karonga District

Christian Aid and our partners in Malawi are implementing a three year UK Aid Match (UKAM) project to improve maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes.

Faith leaders and family planning report

Faith leaders and family planning report

Case study - community health and HIV response Nigeria

Through the Strengthening Community Health and HIV project in Nigeria, Community Health Agents were established to educate vulnerable communities.