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58 resources

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Building climate resilience through transforming gendered social norms

Recommendations for climate resilience initiatives to drive social and economic transformation for women facing intersecting vulnerabilities.

Religious education unit: Beliefs and actions in the world

Religious education unit: Beliefs and actions in the world

All-age service accompanying PowerPoint (Welsh)

Use these slides to share and explore Aline’s story with your whole church. Available in English.

Gender Justice capability statement

Find out how we have been, and will continue to be, breaking barriers for women around the world.

All-age Service Accompanying PowerPoint

Use these slides to share and explore Aline’s story with your whole church.

Religion and Health - Summary Report

A summary explaining the relation between religion and health and how we can harness the unique strength of religious actors for improved outcomes in public health interventions.

Understanding the Role of Religious Leaders in Public Health Crises

Understanding the Role of Religious Leaders in Public Health Crises

Improving the Choices and opportunities for adolescent girls - A toolkit for faith leaders

Improving the Choices and opportunities for adolescent girls - A toolkit for faith leaders

Speaker Request Form

Download our Speaker Request Form for your events

Made in the Image of God: Caring for Creation (5-8 s)

Be a changemaker: Bible study 5-8-year-olds

Equality at All Levels report

A report from Christian Aid calling for faith actors and secular feminists to join forces to push for global equality for women.

Generando Empresas y Derechos Humanos

The UN Business and Human Rights Framework must respond better to the negative impacts of business on the rights of women. (Spanish)

Key findings: religion and time of marriage

A study based on listening to community members, local leaders, faith leaders, and adolescent girls in three areas of Kaduna state.

Improving the choices and opportunities for adolescent girls toolkit

A guide for religious leaders of both Christian and Islamic faiths in Nigeria as they address the challenges faced by adolescent girls.

Voice to the people newsletter: May 2017

Voice to the People newsletter May 2017.

Christian Aid Bangladesh strategy 2012-2017

Christian Aid Bangladesh’s strategy 2012 - 2017 is closely aligned with several of the global goals laid out in Partnership for Change.

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture

No more harmful traditional practices: working with faith leaders

No more harmful traditional practices: working with faith leaders