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65 resources

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How can Christian Aid strengthen grassroots voices?

How can Christian Aid strengthen grassroots voices?

Approaches to Community Engagement and Voice Enhancement for marginalised People - lessons from V2P

A report on the Voice to the People project in Nigeria - our approach, achievements, lessons, challenges and future plans.

Management response to Power Learning Review

Management response to Power Learning Review

PACS programme summary film

A final wrap up film of the Poorest Areas Civil Society programme in India, showing achievements and learnings.

Christian Aid/PPA performance review 2011-2016

Christian Aid/PPA performance review 2011-2016

Partnership, power and adaptive programming

Learning from Christian Aid: Governance service contracts

Resilience framework

Our Resilience Framework sets out how we work with partners to support communities to identify the risks they face, access resources and effectively to achieve sustainable results.

V2P case study: claiming rights to health and education

How an advocacy group lobbied the local government to improve healthcare and education in Nigeria.

Picture Power: Capturing stories of change through photography in Kenya

This report features incredible stories of changes and challenges that the communities captured in photos that they took in their communities as well as data gathered as part of the wider outcome assessment activities.

El Salvador film: governance case studies

Case study video featuring Fatima, a community leader and Jose, a youth leader

Guatemala film: governance case studies

Case study video featuring volunteer community leader Marco tracking his personal journey and how governance work has influenced government policy and made new cultural centres possible.

Masculinity and Religion in Nigeria: findings from qualitative research

This study on religion and masculinity in Nigeria was conducted seeks to establish the impact of religious beliefs on masculinity amongst Christians and Muslims, paying particular attention to selected states (Enugu, Kaduna, Lagos and FCT).

Kenya: guide to contribution analysis methods

A guide to the theory behind contribution analysis and the practical steps taken in applying the approach during an evaluation in Kenya.

Sierra Leone: assessment of governance programming methodology

This guidance document provides an introduction to the overall approach for the assessment; an overview of methods used; and issues for consideration.

Signposts to Copenhagen 6: integrating adaptation

Signposts to Copenhagen 6: integrating adaptation

Power to Change Institutions: our work in Nigeria

An introduction to Christian Aid's governance work in Nigeria - focusing on accountable governance, tax justice and social protection.

Time for climate justice 14 - climate justice for all

Time for climate justice 14 - climate justice for all

Picture Power: Understanding impact through a community lens

This programme aims to empower communities to identify and address risks that prevent them making the most of the opportunities to develop.