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48 resources

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Gender Justice capability statement

Find out how we have been, and will continue to be, breaking barriers for women around the world.

A Community Reporters Guide

A guide to support community development and to empower stakeholders in engaging governance processes.

Community Based Monitors Guide

This guide breaks down the role of a community based monitoring and how they act as active citizens to ensure government works for the people.

Doing Accountability Differently

This document explores the practice and results of Christian Aid's Voice to the People Programme in Anambra State, Nigeria.

Tackling Malnutrition in South Sudan

Read our latest report from our UK Aid Match programme in South Sudan, tackling malnutrition for 28,000 women and children in Aweil North and Jur River.

SABI Learning Review: Triggering Citizen Action

SABI community citizen action for effective governance and improved public services. Has it succeeded?

Press release: changing the course of under-five mortality in Nigeria

Our Partnership for Improved Child Health (PICH) project in Nigeria closed in August 2019. Find out what we achieved and how communities have adapted.

Defending the right to water in Angola

Defending rural communities’ right to water: 2018 case study from Angola

Partnership for Change: Christian Aid in Sierra Leone

Christian Aid’s Sierra Leone programme started in 1988 with a focus on service delivery and humanitarian assistance.

Voice to the people newsletter: May 2017

Voice to the People newsletter May 2017.

Christian Aid Bangladesh strategy 2012-2017

Christian Aid Bangladesh’s strategy 2012 - 2017 is closely aligned with several of the global goals laid out in Partnership for Change.

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices

Working effectively with faith leaders - harmful traditional practices

New pathways out of poverty for Africa

New pathways out of poverty for Africa - Report

Scandal of inequality 2 infographic (Spanish)

Infographic to accompany the Scandal of inequality 2 report

The Scandal of Inequality

Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean is deep and widespread; it has a great effect on the lives of many across the region.

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

The scandal of inequality 2 infographic (English)

The scandal of inequality 2 infographic (English)