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17 resources

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Direct debit form

Download this direct debit form and post it to our London Office: Christian Aid, 35-41 Lower Marsh, London, SE1 7RL, to set up a direct debit with Christian Aid.

Modern Slavery Statement 2023-24

To tackle the root causes of modern slavery is to tackle the root causes of poverty and marginalisation.

Carbon Reduction Plan - 2023

Our Carbon Reduction Plan for the UK Government, covering our UK emissions.

Environment Policy

Our Environment Policy - last reviewed February 2023.

Code of conduct

The conduct, policies and code of behaviour you are expected to follow as a Christian Aid representative.

Christian Aid Partnership Policy

Towards mutual partnerships

Code of Conduct in Spanish

The Spanish translation of the conduct, policies and code of behaviour you are expected to follow as a Christian Aid employee.

Modern Slavery Statement

Christian Aid's Modern Slavery Statement

Tackling Malnutrition in South Sudan

Read our latest report from our UK Aid Match programme in South Sudan, tackling malnutrition for 28,000 women and children in Aweil North and Jur River.

Modern Slavery Act

Modern Slavery Act

Press release: changing the course of under-five mortality in Nigeria

Our Partnership for Improved Child Health (PICH) project in Nigeria closed in August 2019. Find out what we achieved and how communities have adapted.

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Corporate approaches to addressing modern day slavery

Tackling modern day slavery - the John Lewis Partnership

Tackling modern day slavery - the John Lewis Partnership

Salt Business Network's June 2017 Newsletter

Download the Salt Business Network's June newsletter and learn about building a values-based business model. 

Modern day slavery and SME's

Modern day slavery and SME's

Case study - partnership with Vitamins Angel Alliance (SCHH)

Christian Aid works in partnership with Vitamin Angels Alliance to provide Vitamin A supplements and deworming to children in Nigeria under 5.

Listening and responding to our stakeholders: accountability

Listening and responding to our stakeholders resource: accountability