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70 resources

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Call to Parties - General Election 2024


Religion and Health - Summary Report

A summary explaining the relation between religion and health and how we can harness the unique strength of religious actors for improved outcomes in public health interventions.

Understanding the Role of Religious Leaders in Public Health Crises

Understanding the Role of Religious Leaders in Public Health Crises

Decolonising Evaluation - Whose Value Counts?

This paper critically reflects on evaluation practice through a decolonisation lens, considering who decides what success looks like, how we assess and measure results, and how we could take forward a decolonial approach to evaluation.

A Prayer for Pakistan

In response to the devastating floods.

ALTERnativity Advent workshop

How do we celebrate Christmas while the world is in crisis? Our fabulous partner, ALTERnativity, has designed an online workshop to inspire you and your small group this Advent.

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

English-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

French-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

Spanish-language version

Financial Crime and Abuse Policy

Arabic-language version

Climate Justice Posters

A selection of climate justice posters for use in your church.

Taking Action on Climate Justice

A conversation guide for church groups, to help equip you to take action.

Tipping Point report

This report explores how the Covid-19 pandemic threatens to push the world's poorest to the brink of survival.

Action2020 family planning: Ethiopia context analysis

An in-depth investigation into the context and opportunities for civil society-led accountability on family planning in Ethiopia.

Action2020 family planning: Malawi context analysis

An in-depth investigation into the context and opportunities for civil society-led accountability on family planning in Malawi.

Christian Aid Nigeria programme strategy: 2019-2026

An overview of the vision, mission and strategy of the Christian Aid Nigeria programme for 2019-2026.

Christian Aid Nigeria Annual Report 2018

Christian Aid Nigeria Annual Report 2018

PAR Angola - baseline assessment

A summary of the findings of the programme's baseline assessments carried out.