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21 resources

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Shifting Power in Aid: How Christian Aid is contributing to locally led development

This report highlights key actions and achievements by Christian Aid in 2023/24 in shifting power to our partners.

ALTERnativity Advent workshop

How do we celebrate Christmas while the world is in crisis? Our fabulous partner, ALTERnativity, has designed an online workshop to inspire you and your small group this Advent.

Tackling Malnutrition in South Sudan

Read our latest report from our UK Aid Match programme in South Sudan, tackling malnutrition for 28,000 women and children in Aweil North and Jur River.

Life-saving healthcare for Nigeria's children - UK Aid Match stories

Life-saving healthcare for Nigeria's children - UK Aid Match stories

Press release: changing the course of under-five mortality in Nigeria

Our Partnership for Improved Child Health (PICH) project in Nigeria closed in August 2019. Find out what we achieved and how communities have adapted.

Breaking the barriers programme overview

A short overview of the programme to date

Joint Country Programme newsletter - July - Sept 2018

A new country director, piped water comes to villages in Mumbeji, advocating for tax justice and more...

More than enough assembly

More than enough assembly

Shared planet school assembly

Shared planet school assembly

World in our hands assembly

World in our hands assembly

From Traditional Birth Attendants to "Mother Companions"

From Traditional Birth Attendants to "Mother Companions"

Stories of change from Karonga District

Christian Aid and our partners in Malawi are implementing a three year UK Aid Match (UKAM) project to improve maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes.

Faith leaders and family planning report

Faith leaders and family planning report

Case study - community health and HIV response Nigeria

Through the Strengthening Community Health and HIV project in Nigeria, Community Health Agents were established to educate vulnerable communities.

Maternal health in Isiolo County: stories of change from Kenya

This collection of case studies presents an insight into how Christian Aid’s UK Aid Match programme is improving the lives of girls, pregnant women and mothers in rural Kenya.

Kenya traditional birth attendants case study

A case study on how traditional birth attendants are improving maternal care and saving lives in Kenya.

Community Health for All: case studies from around the world

Community Health for All: case studies from around the world

Case study - an all-encompassing 'fruitbowl' approach in Nigeria

Providing health education to communities and households on various issues including family planning, HIV, malaria and maternal and child health.