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89 resources

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Prayers for the Nepal earthquake

Ressurection, offering and intercession prayers for the Nepal earthquake.

Disaster strikes curriculum links

Disaster strikes curriculum links

Disaster strikes primary school assembly

Disaster strikes primary school assembly

Disaster strikes simulation game

Disaster strikes simulation game

Disaster strikes worksheet

Disaster strikes worksheet

Evaluation of Christian Aid’s DEC Typhoon Haiyan Rehabilitation and Resilience Building Programme

An external evaluation of Christian Aid's DEC-supported response to Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda in the Philippines.

Christian Aid Humanitarian Response in North-East Nigeria: reaching the unreached

A summary of Christian Aid's humanitarian project in north-east Nigeria, aimed at providing food, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

Developing Climate services in the Phillipines: programme review

A review of the Rice Watch Action Network's Climate Resiliency Field School. A season-long training programme with a focus on sustainable farming.

The Standards for Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action

The Standards for Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action

Christian Aid/PPA performance review 2011-2016

Christian Aid/PPA performance review 2011-2016

Bangladesh – accountable governance - a theory-based approach

An evaluation on the use and added value of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) and Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis.

LPRR: action learning research

Within the LPRR project there is a need for rigorous evaluation, which balances accountability and learning.

Christian Aid Latin American and Caribbean strategy

Christian Aid Latin American and Caribbean strategy

Christian Aid Nigeria programme strategy 2012-17

An overview of the vision, aims and activities of our Nigeria country programme.

Breaking down barriers: working for peace in a holy land

This booklet is designed to help readers understand more about the conflict in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory (IOPT).

Haiti: Unconditional cash transfers - lessons learnt

Christian Aid’s partners in Haiti distributed cash to people affected by the earthquake. This paper highlights the successes and challenges of their approaches.

The impact of World Bank and IMF conditionality - Nicaragua

Privatisation has increasingly become a condition of aid, new loans and debt relief. This report looks at the failure of that policy in Nicaragua.