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You can view Fundraising resources here.

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127 resources

Showing 73 - 90. Show all results

Donation/sponsorship form

Use this form to record donations and sponsorship with any Gift Aid details.

Schools Resource: Reflective Journey

5 reflections for classrooms, assembly or collective worship

Big Brekkie Colour Flyer

2 A5 Colour fliers to publicise your event

Big Brekkie Colour Flyer (Welsh Bilingual)

1 English and 1 Welsh A5 Colour flier to publicise your event

Big Brekkie Editable Poster

An editable poster to publicise your event

Big Brekkie Editable Poster (Welsh)

An editable poster to publicise your event (Welsh)

Profit before People and Planet

A collaborative report exploring why the Brazilian Amazon and its people need economic justice.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space

This study urgently raises issues around the increasingly restricted civic space since the onset of Covid-19.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space - Report Summary

The global Covid-19 pandemic brought unprecedented restrictions to civic space throughout 2020-21 - Report Summary

Plant and Pray

Plant and pray is a guided reflection which helps pupils to either reflect and/or pray about the wonder of creation; about growth and transformation and the amazing potential within each one of us.

Christian Aid logo

Download Christian Aid's logo. The logo is available in PNG and vector formats.

Drink From The Well: Harvest assembly

Download our Harvest assembly for primary and secondary schools

Data management plan: Portuguese

Este modelo de plano de gerenciamento de dados faz parte de um kit de ferramentas criado para ajudar profissionais de ONGs (Internacionais) a aplicar a ética de pesquisa às atividades de geração de evidências, inclusive às pesquisas e avaliações.

Ethics risk assessment: Portuguese

Este modelo de avaliação de riscos éticos faz parte de um kit de ferramentas criado para ajudar profissionais de ONGs (Internacionais)

Participant information sheet: Portuguese

Esta folha informativa para participantes e o formulário de consentimento

Data management plan: Spanish

Esta plantilla para el plan de gestión de datos

Participant information sheet and consent form: Spanish

Esta hoja de información para el participante y formulario de consentimiento forma parte de un conjunto de herramientas creado para ayudar a los profesionales de las ONG internacionales.

Research ethics risk assessment tool: Spanish

Esta hoja de formulario de consentimiento forma parte de un conjunto de herramientas creado para ayudar a los profesionales de las ONG internacionales.