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112 resources

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A Community Reporters Guide

A guide to support community development and to empower stakeholders in engaging governance processes.

Community Based Monitors Guide

This guide breaks down the role of a community based monitoring and how they act as active citizens to ensure government works for the people.

Doing Accountability Differently

This document explores the practice and results of Christian Aid's Voice to the People Programme in Anambra State, Nigeria.

Safeguarding policy

Christian Aid is committed to protecting the dignity and rights of every person, and works with those that are committed to supporting poor and marginalised communities.

Safeguarding policy, French (PDF)

Christian Aid is committed to protecting the dignity and rights of every person. (French)

Big Justice Story Sack: School Resource

Download the Big Justice Story Sack supplementary guide for use in school.

Big Justice Story Sack supporting activities

Chatterbox and Strength Card Activities for session13.

SABI Learning Paper

SABI: GESI, Power, Politics and COM-B

SABI Learning Review

Review of SABI programme designed to improve government services in Sierra Leone.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space

This study urgently raises issues around the increasingly restricted civic space since the onset of Covid-19.

How Covid-19 Shrank Civic Space - Report Summary

The global Covid-19 pandemic brought unprecedented restrictions to civic space throughout 2020-21 - Report Summary

Christian Aid's gender pay gap report 2020-2021

A 2-page report from our outgoing Chief Executive, Amanda Khozi Mukwashi.

Daily reading: 17 February

Daily Bible Reading 17th February

Learning report

This report captures key learnings from the Sierra Leone PFM Project.

ALTERnativity Advent workshop

How do we celebrate Christmas while the world is in crisis? Our fabulous partner, ALTERnativity, has designed an online workshop to inspire you and your small group this Advent.

SABI: Briefing for Civil Society Organisations

Learning review

SABI: Briefing for Government of Sierra Leone

Learning review: SABI: Briefing for Government of Sierra Leone

SABI: Briefings for Donors and International NGOs

SABI: Briefings for Donors and International NGOs