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If you are looking to order physical resources, please check these dedicated pages nearer the time Lent & Easter, Christian Aid Week, Harvest and Christmas resources.

You can view Fundraising resources here.

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1076 resources

Showing 685 - 702.

CAAGI Final Report

CAAGI Final Report

Fair's fair assembly

Fair's fair assembly and notes

Harvest toolkit: assembly - Welsh

Harvest toolkit: assembly - Welsh

Harvest Toolkit: Assembly PowerPoint - Welsh

A slideshow to accompany the Harvest assembly.

Harvest Toolkit: Collective Worship Ideas - Welsh

A few ideas to explore during whole school or class collective worship

Make a difference with coffee assembly

Make a difference with coffee assembly

Make a difference with coffee assembly presentation

Make a difference with coffee assembly presentation

Nuts about nature assembly presentation

Nuts about nature assembly presentation

Vital vegetables assembly

Vital vegetables assembly

Vital vegetables assembly presentation

Vital vegetables assembly presentation

Harvest Toolkit Assembly: Harvesting Sunlight

Use this to introduce your pupils to Agar in Ethiopia - whose family is using solar power for the good of their health and the climate.

Far from home assembly

Far from home assembly

Far from home assembly presentation

Far from home assembly presentation

Songs for Syria assembly

Songs for Syria assembly

Songs for Syria assembly presentation

Songs for Syria assembly presentation

Bronze Self Evaluation Form

Use this Self Evaluation Form and exemplar to apply for the bronze award. 

Global Neighbours action plan template

Use this action plan template to help you plan your next steps for deepening global citizenship learning in your school. 

Gold Self Evaluation Form

Use this Self Evaluation Form to apply for the Gold Global Neighbours Award.