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1109 resources

Showing 1081 - 1098.

Shifting of goal posts: rural electrification in India

Highlights failure of national grid approach to deliver electricity to rural India and presents alternative using decentralised renewable power.

Christian Aid diversity and inclusion policy

Christian Aid is committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity, creating an inclusive environment and combating unfair treatment.

Christian Aid Good Practice Guide (PVCA)

A participatory vulnerability and capacity assessment (PVCA) empowers poor people to analyse their problems and suggest their own solutions.

Christian Aid annual report 2008-09

Christian Aid annual report 2008-09

Christian Aid annual review 2008-09

Christian Aid annual review 2008-09

The missing millions: the cost of tax dodging to developing countries

Looks at the tax dodging that has cost the countries that receive money from the Scottish Government’s international development fund almost £43m.

Undermining the poor: mineral taxation reforms in Latin America

Examines the tax reforms affecting the mineral sector in Latin America, quantifies cost of some of the excessively generous tax incentives offered.

Inequality and the state

This paper uses Christian Aid’s programme and policy experience to look at the relationship between inequality and development.

False profits: robbing the poor to keep the rich tax-free

A deeper look into false profits and counting the cost of the damage.

Sierra Leone at crossroads: seizing chance to benefit from mining

This report details how Sierra Leone earned only $9-10m from the mining of mineral exports of $179m.

From local to global: stopping corruption from stunting development

In this report, we argue that Western governments are not doing enough to champion legitimate business practices. 

Christian Aid annual report 2007-08

Christian Aid annual report 2007-08

Can tax challenge bad governance? 

Argues that while there are no rules about what sort of tax system is best for governance, there are clear policy implications for donors and NGOs.

Death and taxes: the true toll of tax dodging

In the world’s poorest countries, the concerns are less about lifestyle and more about life and death. What will be the impact on growth in developing economies?

The Gaza Strip: a humanitarian implosion

Argues that the situation in Gaza is manmade, completely avoidable and, with the necessary political will, can also be reversed.

No small change: Christian Aid's understanding of how change happens

This paper sets out some thinking behind Christian Aid's approach to social change.

Annual Report 2020-21

Christian Aid's annual report and accounts for 2020/21

Christian Aid annual report 2006-07

Christian Aid annual report 2006-07