Contact your MP
Israel’s war on Gaza has killed tens of thousands and displaced millions of people. Palestinians in the West Bank are being killed in their hundreds.
By continuing to allow arms sales to Israel and failing to hold it accountable, the UK government is complicit.
Will you contact your MP and urge them to act?
Whether you write, email or meet them, urge your MP to call on the UK Foreign Secretary to:
- Stop all arms sales to Israel to secure a lasting ceasefire
- Ban all UK trade with and investment in Israeli settlements
- Increase support for aid and humanitarian access in Gaza - including funding and backing for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine.
Remind your MP that the UK must act now to uphold international law and protect civilian life.
The more our representatives hear our call for them to act, the harder it is for them to ignore.
Give or send our latest UK parliamentary briefing to your MP
Tips for contacting your MP
Whether you’re writing a letter, emailing, or meeting your MP, follow the tips below to make the biggest impact:
- Introduce yourself as their constituent, so it’s clear they’re your representative.
- Quickly say why you’re contacting them about the situation in Gaza and why it’s important to you.
- Acknowledge the events in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory since October, including Hamas’s attacks and hostage taking, the bombardment and blockade of Gaza and violence in the West Bank, which have led to intolerable suffering among Palestinians and Israelis, Muslims and Jews.
- Briefly share people’s experiences of the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, to show how urgent action is. Read this reflection on the struggles facing families in Gaza from Christian Aid's consultant Ahmed Sourani.
- Ask them to act - Have a clear ask for your MP so they have something obvious they can do. You can find some suggested actions for your MP in the MP briefing below.
- Share the MP briefing - If you’re writing to your MP encourage them to read Christian Aid’s MP briefing that you have enclosed or attached. If you’re meeting in person share a printed version with them.
- Keep it short and to the point - If you are writing to or emailing them, 500 words is enough. If you’re meeting with them speak for no more than 5 minutes, this way you have time for questions and discussion.
- Hold them to account - If you’ve written to or emailed your MP, ask them to respond to you and let you know what they will do. If you meet, get a commitment from them while you’re there.
If you need help contacting your MP visit or contact the Christian Aid campaigns team at
It really helps our campaigning work. If we’re speaking to your MP in Westminster, we can mention that their constituents are also urging them to act.
Devolved Nations
If you’re living in Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales it is also important to contact your devolved representatives to ask them to urge your devolved executive or government to call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire.
You can use the same principles for contacting your devolved representatives as outlined above for contacting your MP.
If you need help contacting your devolved representatives visit
Alternatively, contact the Christian Aid campaigns team at
Finally, don’t forget to let the campaigns team know once you’ve contacted your local representatives.