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A study on the impunity for GBV among Haiti's displaced population

The findings from this study are relevant for state and non-state actors, including funders who are interested in addressing GBV in Haiti, with a particular focus on displaced populations.

The study recommends actions that address the peculiarity of the impunity of GBV among displaced communities in Haiti.

The accompanying learning brief draws upon lessons from the in-depth study, Dynamics of Impunity for Gender-Based Violence among Displaced Communities in Haiti funded by USAID that focused on addressing impunity related to GBV in Haiti, specifically for internally displaced persons.

The study is informed by and shares objectives with the Latin America and the Caribbean Learning and Rapid Response (LACLEARN) task order’s broader regional study of GBV impunity. The study was carried out by Christian Aid, Haiti in collaboration with the Research, Evidence and Learning team of Christian Aid and Mouvement de Femmes Haïtiennes pour l’Education et le Développement (MOUFHED).

English language research report and learning brief

Learning brief

The 8-page learning brief presents key highlights from the research report, including the key findings and recommendations.

Research report

Report of the in-depth study in-depth study, on the dynamics of impunity for Gender-Based Violence among Displaced Communities in Haiti

French language learning brief

Lecons apprises Recherche sur l'impunite liee a la VBG

Le dossier d'apprentissage de 8 pages présente les principaux points saillants du rapport de recherche.