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20 resources

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Cambiando el rumbo: Integración de pérdidas y daños en la siguiente generación de NDCs

Integración de pérdidas y daños en la siguiente generación de NDCs

Turning the Tide: Policy Paper Embedding Loss and Damage in the next generation of NDCS

A policy paper by Illari Aragon, Richard Ewbank, and colleagues from CAID’s partner organization ICCCAD.

Counting the Cost 2024: A year of climate breakdown

The shocking cost of the world's worst claimed disasters in 2024 revealed.

Baking Baku: The economic impact of climate change on Eastern Europe

A new report shows Azerbaijan, COP29 host, faces Eastern Europe’s highest economic risk from climate change.

Putting our money where our mouth is

Why we need to shift towards public, grant-based climate finance to meet the needs of the world’s most vulnerable countries.

Building climate resilience through transforming gendered social norms

Recommendations for climate resilience initiatives to drive social and economic transformation for women facing intersecting vulnerabilities.

Counting the Cost 2023: A year of climate breakdown

Study identifies the 2023's 20 costliest extreme climate disasters by per capita cost.

Cooking up a storm: The climate threat to food supply chains

A report on the effects of climate change on food supply chains in UK, Germany and Italy.

Wake up and smell the coffee: The climate crisis and your coffee

A report on the effects of climate change on coffee production.

The climate cost to the Commonwealth

An assessment of the economic threat climate change poses to Commonwealth nations.

Report - The Loss and Damage Fund: Where does the money come from?

A new flagship Climate Justice report

Undermining resilience: climate change, rights and mining

This report explores the mining industries in the Brazilian Amazon and how they contribute to climate change

The cost to Africa

Our study highlights the devastating economic impact climate change will inflict on the African continent.

Women on the Front Line

Read our new report which recognises that women are disproportionately affected by climate change.

The Mud Went Through my Soul report

Voices of women affected by the Brumadinho dam rupture

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (Part 1)

In this policy briefing, Christian Aid examines the links between climate change and conflict.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (Part 2)

In this report, three case studies – from Angola, Mali, and Honduras – of responses to climate change and conflict are presented.

Challenges in the Sahel: Implications for peace and development

This report is part of a series Christian Aid is producing to understand what ought to be done differently in tackling violence and building peace.