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The erosion of multilateralism and the betrayal by the Global North

This essay discusses how global power imbalances, an elitist disdain for democratic and universal processes and solutions, the rise of fundamentalisms, and overburdening of social movements

How can a transformational new social contract be won?

This essay looks at the important role that faith organisations (and people inspired by faith) have historically played - and could play today - in advancing a social contract that helps all people and our planet thrive

Ubuntu: a framework for a new feminist contract for people and planet

This essay discusses a new feminist social contract for people and the planet from the perspective of relationships and their value in building resilience, conflict resolution and peacebuilding, and in facilitating consensus and inclusion in decisions

A feminist social contract in the globalised world

Focused on Latin America this essay explores the gendered impacts of rising inequalities and how inequalities in the region effectively create a situation of segregation along lines of race or gender.

Reimagining a feminist social contract in fragile and conflict settings

This essay focuses on social contracts in fragile and conflict settings.